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Grade applying for, if applicable:
Child's preferred name:
Date of birth (year/month/day)
Current age:
ID number:
If not English, rank English language ability from 1 to 5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent) If not English, rank English language ability from 1 to 5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent) 1 2 3 4 5
Dexterity of Learner: Dexterity of Learner: Right handed Left handed
Siblings full name:
Year of entry into VMS:
Current school (if applicable):
Up until now where has your child been: Up until now where has your child been: Home Creché Day-mother Pre-School School
Current school:
Contact number:
Current grade:
Years attended:
Grades repeated:
Reason for leaving:
Name of any Montessori School your child has attended and period of attendance:
Has admission to any other school been refused (including VMS)? Has admission to any other school been refused (including VMS)? Yes No
If yes, when and why?
Has your child ever received learning support, e.g. Occupational Therapy? Has your child ever received learning support, e.g. Occupational Therapy? Yes No
If yes, please give more details:
Medical/Special Needs (includes behavioural needs, for example ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy etc) Your child needs to be able to work independently and without major disruption to the class. If your child has any medical/special/behavioural needs which would mean this is not possible, please include below. Please include the names of any specialists or special education groups your child has been to or is in contact with at present. Failure to disclose this information or a false declaration will rule the child ineligible for admission. If you are unsure what to include please ask the Enrolment Officer.
Any further information you would like to supply about your child?
Allergies, food or other. Dietary requirements. Other vital information staff should be aware of during the assessment and for future enrolment.
Where did you come to know about our school?
Where will your child go to for primary/high school?
Reason for applying to Village Montessori School?
Family History Parents: Married Divorced Single Widowed Other
Number of children in the family:
Normal Pregnancy/ Birth: Normal Pregnancy/ Birth: Yes No
If no, can you give details:
Normal Milestones: Normal Milestones: Yes No
If no, can you give details:
Any special health considerations? (e.g. lengthy illness, allergies, ear infections)
Emotional or social needs? (e.g. divorce, move, difficulty forming friendships)
What form of discipline do you use at home?
How independent is your child?
Does your child do any activities out of school? (Specify)
How many hours a day does your child spend watching television?
Which of the following shows does your child watch on television: Which of the following shows does your child watch on television: National Geographic Soap Operas Nickelodeon WWE Disney Channel Boomerang Animal Planet Cartoon Network Discovery Channel CBeebies
Other (specify):
General information
Our primary goal in the recruitment and admissions process is to help each family find the perfect match between its values and goals and those of the school. To this end it is important for you to have a good understanding of Montessori principles and philosophy. What is your understanding of Montessori principles and philosophy?
Parents play a vital role in the development of "community" in Montessori schools and also work closely with the school towards making this an environment where children can explore, understand, and grow into full and active members in our community. How will your family contribute towards this goal?
The school is always grateful for parents' assistance. Please indicate below whether you have skills you could offer, for example legal, marketing, art, drama, music, needlework, fund-raising, DIY, gardening, career days etc.
What are your expectations of the school?
Parent/Guardian Details (Please complete in full)
Full Names:
Preferred Name:
Home Address:
Postal Address:
ID Number:
Company Name:
Position in Company:
Home no:
Work no:
Cell no:
Does the child live with you? Does the child live with you? Yes No
Are you the legal guardian of the child? Are you the legal guardian of the child? Yes No
Full Names:
Preferred Name:
Home Address:
Postal Address:
ID Number:
Company Name:
Position in Company:
Home no:
Work no:
Cell no:
Does the child live with you? Does the child live with you? Yes No
Are you the legal guardian of the child? Are you the legal guardian of the child? Yes No
Any restrictions on contact between child and mother or father. (Please provide school with copies of legal documents in this regard Any restrictions on contact between child and mother or father. (Please provide school with copies of legal documents in this regard Yes No
Financial Information: Who will be responsible for school fees? Father Mother Other
First Names
Relationship to child:
Postal address:
Home no:
Work no:
Cell no: