What We’re Offering

Holistic Education Approach

Focuses on academic, physical, and emotional needs.

Montessori Didactic Equipment

Provides hands-on learning experiences with specialized equipment.

Small Mixed-Age Classes

Fosters community and ensures individualized attention.

Enriching Activities and Offerings

Includes outings, annual camps, chess, and third language options.



We envision a peaceful world rooted in interdependence, respect for all life, and people. Our path to achieve this lies in nurturing our children, fostering a global community of harmony and understanding.


VMS is dedicated to fostering children’s holistic growth in a safe, respectful environment, aiming to instill excellence, curiosity, universal values, diversity appreciation, and a commitment to service in every individual they encounter.


Village Montessori School prioritizes lifelong learning, fostering open-mindedness, compassion, academic excellence, creativity, and societal responsibility. It advocates for respect for all community members, emphasizing a holistic approach to education.

Village Montessori School's Approach to Developmental Learning

The school prioritizes active, experiential learning aligned with stages of human development, employing hands-on methods and gradual abstraction while supporting students' needs through external resources and fostering computer literacy alongside movement-based learning for younger children.

VMS Educational Philosophy: Fostering Holistic Growth through Academic and Life Skills

The educational approach at VMS emphasizes a comprehensive development strategy encompassing academic excellence, personal success, practical life skills, and empowerment. The focus lies in nurturing individual strengths, critical thinking, cooperative learning, and emotional intelligence, recognizing the formative importance of early experiences in shaping a child's worldview and capabilities.

Foundational Principles of Versatile Learning at VMS

VMS adopts a flexible approach combining Montessori and other educational methods to meet individual needs, promote diverse learning styles, emphasize student responsibility, and cultivate a sense of community engagement and social responsibility.

VMS's Holistic Approach to Nature Connection

VMS prioritizes an integral connection to nature and the environment, promoting a holistic approach to well-being by engaging individuals in outdoor education, field biology, gardening, camping, recycling, and environmentally friendly practices to foster a strong sense of belonging to the web of life.

Embracing Diversity and Communication at VMS

VMS fosters a diverse community through cultural exploration, language learning, and holistic communication skills development.

VMS Community Values Collective Support and Commitment

VMS (Virtual School) thrives on a collective ethos, prioritizing mutual support among participants at all levels and emphasizing community input in decision-making while expecting commitment and adherence to established principles from all members.

Village Montessori School's Approach to Developmental Learning

The school prioritizes active, experiential learning aligned with stages of human development, employing hands-on methods and gradual abstraction while supporting students' needs through external resources and fostering computer literacy alongside movement-based learning for younger children.

VMS Educational Philosophy: Fostering Holistic Growth through Academic and Life Skills

The educational approach at VMS emphasizes a comprehensive development strategy encompassing academic excellence, personal success, practical life skills, and empowerment. The focus lies in nurturing individual strengths, critical thinking, cooperative learning, and emotional intelligence, recognizing the formative importance of early experiences in shaping a child's worldview and capabilities.

Foundational Principles of Versatile Learning at VMS

VMS adopts a flexible approach combining Montessori and other educational methods to meet individual needs, promote diverse learning styles, emphasize student responsibility, and cultivate a sense of community engagement and social responsibility.

VMS's Holistic Approach to Nature Connection

VMS prioritizes an integral connection to nature and the environment, promoting a holistic approach to well-being by engaging individuals in outdoor education, field biology, gardening, camping, recycling, and environmentally friendly practices to foster a strong sense of belonging to the web of life.

Embracing Diversity and Communication at VMS

VMS fosters a diverse community through cultural exploration, language learning, and holistic communication skills development.

VMS Community Values Collective Support and Commitment

VMS (Virtual School) thrives on a collective ethos, prioritizing mutual support among participants at all levels and emphasizing community input in decision-making while expecting commitment and adherence to established principles from all members.

"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child."
Dr Maria Montessori

Status of the school

The school and the property are owned and managed by a closed corporation. Profits are used to improve the facilities and the qualifications of the personnel.

The school is operated with consent from the Centurion City Council and complies with municipal requirements.

The Primary School is registered with the Gauteng Education Department as an Independent Primary School (reg. no. 211888).

The High School is registered as an Independent High School (reg. No 400148).

Class ratio







Montessori Groupings

The levels usually found in a Montessori School correspond to the developmental stages of childhood:


(ages 18m to 3 years)

Early Childhood:

Absorbent mind stage  (ages 3 to 6)

Junior Primary:

Social and imaginative stage (ages 6 to 9)

Senior Primary:

Social relationships and moral justice (ages 9 to 12)

Middle School:

Trust, self-expression and contribution to society (ages 12 to 15)

High School:

Analytical thought, commitment and responsibility (ages 15 to 18)

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